
Have you ever looked at one of my ads and asked yourself:

  • What is your product?
  • What exactly am I buying from you?
  • How do you help us with our Modular Home?
  • How can you keep the prices at $159/sq. ft.?
  • Does this include the Tradesmen (Painter, Electrician, Plumber)?

We are having a seminar at our Office Gardens to give you
the answers you have about Modular Homes Factory Direct!

We understand that what we sell is not your usual product, that comes from a store and arrives ready to use. That is why we want to take you on this journey and explain the ins and outs of making your Modular Home dream come true. Yes, you can save thousands of dollars. We have helped others to do this, and we can help you too.

Come join our May Seminars

Register your seat with the form below OR call 732-255-4160

Seats are limited, register before the seminar fills up!

Register for the May Seminar!


Seminar Information

Equity with BBQ For Land Owners

May 18 @ 11am - 1pm

Do you own land and looking to have a modular home built? This is the seminar for you!

Equity with BBQ For Land Seekers

May 19 @ 12pm - 2pm

Are you currently looking for land? Come join the seminar and network around to find the lot you have been looking for!